You know those pretty e-cards you admire that come to you in your email? A lot of them are coming from here, Vertical Response. You can go online and play around with their creation wizard and sent a test to yourself.

Up to the minute views of the Napa Valley, we live here, we drink the wine and we have opinions.
when I had to stop. Several seconds went by before I realized exactly what this was. Several more had to pass as I overcame spontaneous hysterical laughter. There is was, mounted atop a lofty post. One photo just won't do.
Fish head on a post. This is the detour route by the Oxbow school and the fairgrounds, Third Street, the OTHER side of the wine train tracks. Two photos just wouldn't do. Let's get a close up.
I do believe it's a Salmon head, let's see, what does THAT pair with? This one is going into the library of never will happen again photos. Perhaps a buttery bacon fat Chardonnay?